प्रदेश में 380 विशेष शिक्षकों की होगी भर्ती:
Selection Process
- In this recruitment process, all those candidates will be selected on so many different bases which are-
- This recruitment process will be done on the basis of Elementary Education Amendment Service Rules 2019.
- DELED trainees will be selected on the basis of SLED training marks of 60% and TET exam marks of at least 40%.
- B.Ed, TET selection will be done on the basis of educational, training merit, TET marks, and seniority of the training year.
Application Fees:
- Candidates need to pay Rs. 30/- as the cost of the postage stamp for the envelope.
UK PRT 2023 Pay Scale:
- Assistant Primary Teacher PRT/APT/Teacher/Teacher: Rs.35400-112400/-